Wednesday 5 October 2016

Beauty in the photograph

While searching for a file on my computer, it's always stumbling across old, forgotten photographs that stop me in my tracks. Especially those with long, possibly lost, friends in them. I've never been one for "staged" photographs—everyone popping on their fake "have you taken it yet?" smile. I love to capture my friends and family before they've even realise the camera is there. A beautiful, yet simple, depth to their actions, expressions, thoughts, and a moment of their life which, in an instant, has now passed forever. A quiet observation which stirs up a loud emotion. It always brings me back to my ultimate favourite quote from the film 'One Hour Photo';

Snapshots are their little stands against the flow of time. The shutter is clicked... the flash goes off... and they’ve stopped time... if just for the blink of an eye. If these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it’s this...

“I was here. I existed. I was young. I was happy... and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture.”