Monday 3 January 2011

Five hundred and seventy four printed pages

The end of semester one has final come. With hand-in day, tomorrow, approaching I have finally finished, checked, rechecked, proof read, checked again and printed all my work.

Eight module books for four projects, one research and one development for each, reaching a grand total of 574 A3 printed pages. Further, all final designs are printed. Three of these designs are shown through the blog; the 'Three Little Words', 'TCM posters' and 'Pocket Poems' book.

It is a relief that after 15 weeks, or 105 days, or 2,520 hours to be exact, the marathon is temporarily over. Now to start planning for semester two with the collaboration project. I sense maybe a posh cake shop, tea room, or patisserie may be in urgent need of branding. Some baking must be researched in order to solve this new project... Obviously, I suppose, these cakes and goodies will have to be eaten after they have been baked.

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