Sunday 27 March 2011

Aled Lewis

Without a doubt, this work by Aled Lewis is the funniest I've seen in quite a while. The genius use of toys and comical quotes, taken from real life and films, are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Would love to have them framed and hanging on my wall.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Inside the mind of an inventor

This post is dedicated to the genius and down right ridiculous inventions of my friend. From key-rings that have an alarm when you call them from your mobile, to life saving devices such as emergency exit plans for skyscraper buildings; such as the Twin Towers, whereby instead of having stairs, a much faster way to evacuate people would be to have a fireman's pole down the outside of the buildings... I'm sure we can all decipher how that one would turn out! The best one was the inflatable car parts which activate when the car hits water in order to stop it sinking. This had merit and could even possibly work.

There is a new one to emerge in his mind in a bid to help the Japanese from future Tsunamis. It is called the Tsunami Pod. They will have one in their home, so when a Tsunami is about to hit they quickly climb in to ride out the water. It would have to be strong enough to with stand ships, buildings and other pods crashing into it. It will have to be big enough to hold food and water supplies. It will have to have some form of tracking devise incase the occupant is swept out to sea. Finally, it will have to have toilet facilities, because lets face it after the first five terrifying minutes in there it's already going to stink of... you know. Some how I can't really see this one being affordable or practical; although, hats off to him for trying to think of a way to save lives in future.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Chinese Lanterns

Chinese lanterns have become popular in the UK to mark celebrations of all kinds; weddings, birthdays, fireworks night and even funerals. Not many people, though, think about the implications of these seemingly pretty and fun floating lights. Realistically, how can releasing tangled wire, burning oil, and paper into the air be safe? Reports show, when the lanterns return to the ground, often miles from where they were released, they are able to start fires in fields or peoples homes, the wire litters the land until someone else cleans it up and they are a danger to animals who can get tangled or ingest the wire; which can lead to a slow and painful death if the animal is not found. For this reason, as pretty as they are, Chinese Lanterns are dangerous and should not be allowed.

Monday 7 March 2011

Design Genius

I recalled to mind recently the Audi Q5. Although this advert came out some time ago, I am blogging it now as it is still one of my favourite and, despite my dislike of 4x4, I would gladly take my hat off to the creators of this wonderful advert!

Thursday 3 March 2011

One sheet, many designs

Many people don't seem to enjoy paper engineering, and until yesterday I thought I was 'many people'. Well designed packaging has always been interesting, though I've never really had the patients to make any myself. This was until I spent a whole day making different little designs that actually worked. While making my little packages I couldn't help thinking of a lecturer who used to teach at university who is a keen paper engineer. I’ve always thought her works are interesting and clever, but never had the urge to make any myself; and I didn't understand how she had the patience to make so many. I realise now that when these paper creations work, it is easy to get carried away making them. I'm looking forward to experimenting with even more designs, applying them to larger sheets and adding printed designs to the paper.

These were all made by myself, but they are not my designs. They are templates from a book [Package From and Design] which I shall use as inspiration: