Monday 21 March 2016

So, when are you going to have a baby?

I don't know if it's because we are newly weds, because we're in our seventh year together, or because we're edging closer and closer to our 30s; but I've noticed that at least once a week we have someone ask the baby question. I confess I cringe as I recall that I, too, am guilty of flippantly asking in the past. It's easily done, but it is so irritating and incredibly insensitive. It's not law to reproduce. Nor should it be expected. It's about as open ended and presumptuous as asking, "so when are you going to win the lottery?"

Deciding to have children is both personal and something which is determined by Mother Nature. It's not like you wake up one morning and stuff a bun in the oven. A woman's chance of falling pregnant in her cycle is around 20–30%, it is estimated that 50% of all miscarriages happen before she even knows she's pregnant, and then the chance of carrying full term if she does fall pregnant is 70–90%. You don't know what couples may be dealing with when it comes to reproducing, and it's not your business to ask. So maybe it's time we all had a good think before we start probing. If you're really interested and want to share in someone's life, then ask if they have plans for the future, or how life is at the moment. If they feel the prospect of spawning tiny humans is something they'd like to share with you, then that's their decision to approach the subject.

In the mean time, for those of you who are bound to be asked the dreaded question, I found this website with some great responses! My new favourites are, "at least 9 months from now" and "I don't need to, I married one".


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