Sunday 6 February 2011

Tribute to Alexander McQueen

I remember the first time I saw a documentary of Alexander McQueen some six or seven years ago. I was mesmerised at his amazing ability to create a beautiful item of clothing out of one sheet of material. He would literally drape the material around the model, make a few snips to tailor in the waist, then place in some pins. Though this was never for a finished item, it was still just as incredible. The speed in which he could create the rough item and the accuracy was awe inspiring. Through his talent, I was almost influenced to pursue a career in fashion rather than graphic design. It is with great sadness, therefore, that this Friday 11th February we mark the year anniversary of his passing. He was a true inspiration to young fashion designers, which will live on for years to come.

Here are a few of my favourite items from his last collection, winter 2010:

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