Wednesday 23 February 2011

"If I only had a brain"

At the risk of sounding fifty years my senior, it's time to have a moan 'grumpy old woman' style at people who communicate outside of text messages with 'text speak'; such as on facebook and twitter. I don't mean the simple 'lol' or 'btw', I mean full blown 'sentences' such as, 'srsly i did dat wen i bin dwn 2 da sprts cntr innit'. The continuing bombardment of 'words' with no real recognisable English anywhere in what they are trying to say. It's like talking to a four year old who has yet to developed pronouncing each phonetical sound in their conversations.

Personally, I have not used 'text speak' since the age of twelve; which was when I realised it made me look like an idiot with nothing more than air between my two listening canals. It was understandable to use abbreviations in 1999 when text's were limited to 160 characters and cost 10p per text message sent. Today though, the majority of people have unlimited text usage and do not have to squeeze everything into one message. Half the time when I'm reading communications, particularly on facebook, which are written in this way I actually have no clue what is being said. I'm not sure if I'm completely out of touch, whether these people are retarded in the English language, or if they are in fact idiot savants who are bilingual with a nonsensical language. Which ever it is, in my opinion they should grow up, buy a dictionary and develop a bit of intellect with their dialog. It's highly annoying to have to spend half and hour decoding a passage of text which would normally take five minutes.


  1. Agree with this totally! Apart from a few acronyms and accepted/common abbreviations, the whole text speak thing really gets on my wick. Kids these days...

    Then there's leet speak... now that's another rant all together!

  2. I've not heard of leet speak. I shall investigate, if it's anything like text speak then I'm sure it will annoy me too.

  3. Believe it or not, some students email me with text speak littered throughout their messages.

  4. Ha ha ha, that's hilarious. I'm not sure I could handle that; I think I would secretly be hoping they write their dissertation in text speak so I could fail them... hmmm, too far?
