Wednesday 27 April 2011

Harping On

Apparently there is to be a Royal wedding this Friday? It's come as quite a surprise really, I mean, you'd think someone would have mentioned something by now? Oh no wait, they did, roughly every five seconds for the past month. Ironically including my post, but its for a good reason as it points out that it's not all bad and there is at least one good thing which has pleased me from this occasion; that is Charlie Brooker's report on Ten O'clock Live last Thursday. He showed a clip from a BBC program, documenting how Catherine Middleton came from a family of coalminers. In response to this program Charlie Brooker commented,
"Hmm... Yes... Incredible. Apparently the early Middletons were a species know as homoplebeous. Primordial, primordial northern slug folk who lived in holes and foraged for mud, but now thanks to generations of cross breeding with more advanced, more southern humans they’ve evolved into a life-from that can mate with a royal without contravening bestiality laws. If only, if only Kate can make it down the aisle on her hind legs without defecating we’re in for a magical day."
I must admit, even a week on, I am still laughing to myself every time I think of this. Please follow the link if you would like to see the whole sketch. Some parts are liable to offend, but it is very funny.

In line with the conclusion of that clip, I am tempted to buy one piece of Royal Wedding memorabilia... the faithful vomit bag ready for the special day. These screen printed bags are beautifully designed and are the most practical thing you can buy ready for Friday. Personally I prefer the purple and gold, shown below, compared to that national rail red and blue; which seems to be the allocated colours for some reasons. It doesn't really say 'Royal Love' to me; though the below seems more fitting for the event.


  1. that is gold ink not beige surely ;P
    I think the red and blue symbolises the union jack... this is also why national rail use it i shouldn't wonder.

  2. Ha ha, true. I did think gold first off, but then I wasn't 100% sure so went for the colour it looks like on my screen.

    Oh yes, red and blue would make sense in symbolising the union jack. Is it the right shade of red and blue though? I certainly didn't think union jack as soon as I saw it and neither did people who I've asked previously if they known why red and blue were used. In particular I think of the wedding branding done by the BBC, where they have the 'w' split on a sharp gradient of red and blue. Personally I think they should have chosen royal colours, as the royal family still represent other countries and are not just specific to the UK.
